VH-ILR Beech 95-D55 Baron
(c/n TE-742)
Formerly N8109R, this aircraft was registered to the
Beech agents Hawker de Havilland Australia
Pty. Ltd in
September 1969. It was sold the following
month to E.J. Shaw of Kempsey, NSW
who was the owner of
record when Greg Banfield took the above shot at Mascot in November
The titling 'TWA Australia" is a
complete mystery. Was Mr. Shaw a TWA captain? -ILR then
many owners over the years, and was
in BPA's hands when Greg saw it again at Mascot in January
1972, below. . (I
wonder why it wasn't
re-registered in the
VH-BP series?). A year after this photo
was taken it
went to Civil Flying Services (W.A.) Pty. Ltd. at
Jandakot, Perth. It was sold by them
in 1978 and
returned to the east coast, although appears to
be no longer registered.