DHC-1 Chipmunk 22A
(c/n 0176)

This Chipmunk (ex WB724) was
first civilianized as G-APCV where it was converted from a
T.10 to a civilian-use Mk 22A (fuel tanks increased
to 12 imp gal tanks in lieu of the original
9 gal tanks) before being exported to Australia as
VH-FBB in 1958. In 1963 it was
ered VH-BGW and three years
later, on 8 May 1966 became VH-FEK. The two nice images
of it here shown here were both
taken at Cunderdin, WA. Above, by
Geoff Goodall, in Oct-
ober of 1971, and below, by Roger McDonald whilst
the aircraft was being used as a glider
tug, some four years later in 1975. Looks
like the skies were a little bit threatening in the lower
shot, although the thermals
for sailplaning may have been excellent. VH-FEK remains
Cunderdin, although its restoration status is unknown.