VH-DPH Cessna 172H Skyhawk
(c/n 17255872)

VH-DPH was a second hand
aircraft privately imported by Dudley Preston, a Perth aircraft owner.
Merv Prime saw
it (above) at Jandakot in February 1968, a month after it had been
registered. It is
seen in
one of the rustic general parking areas at Jandakot cleared from the
surrounding trees, just
before its sale
to Airmuster Pty Ltd at Yinnietharra Station via Carnarvon WA.
It dived into the
during low-level sheep mustering at Brickhouse Station near Callagiddy
WA on 2 December
1971, killing the
two occupants. Greg Thom's shot of it (below) was used in an
Aviation Safety
publication to illustrate the fate of this Skyhawk . No
absolute conclusion was drawn as to
the cause of
the crash.