VH-DMS Cessna
T207 Turbo Skywagon
(c/n 20700130)

Not exactly the
color I would choose for my aircraft, However,
I guess you take
what you get
when you when you show up at
the dealers to take delivery and
that's what it turns out to be.
The 207 was
basically a stretched 206D with an 18-inch baggage section ahead of the
a 27-inch added section aft of the wings to give seven seats in four
rows. Surely the ultimate
stretch from what began, after all, as the
120/140/170 series of lightplanes of 1946. VH-DMS,
a turbo powered
version of the standard 207, was first registered on 19 January 1970
and did a
stint in Papua/New Guinea in 1974 as P2-DMS. I
suspect that John Wheatley's shot above was
taken prior to that
secondment. It was restored to the Australian register on
21 May 1976 (the
date CASA says it was
first registered). In November 2010 it was acquired by Alligator
Pty Ltd of Kununurra WA and re-registered
VH-WOX. This company specializes in scenic tours
of the spectacular
Kimberley's in Australia's Far North.