VH-DLB Cessna 180G
(c/n 18051393)

Here's a Skywagon sprayer
at Geraldton, WA in December 1973 looking very hard worked. Photo
by Geoff Goodall.
Dozens, if not hundreds of such machines were used in the agricultural
in Australia, starting in
the late 1950s. This one was first
registered in July 1964 to Greenacres Air
Agriculture of
Tamworth, NSW, although had migrated to WA by the late
1960s. .Alistair Coutts'
shot of it (below) was at Jandakot
in 1967. It had just arrived to be a sprayer with B.W. Symes of
Westonia, WA. -DLB is
still currently registered to a private owner in
the Sydney area.