VH-CME Cessna 185A Skywagon
(c/n 185-0273)

I apologize for the pixellation
on this shot, but it came this way from the Fred Niven collection.
In 1962 Mandated Airlines
(later Ansett-MAL) added to its prodigious Light Aircraft Division
fleet some half dozen or so Cessna 185As.
Originally it had been planned to use Lockheed-
Aermacchi AL-60
aircraft, but testing with one proved unsatisfactory and hence other
including the Cessna 185As were
brought in instead. VH-CME was originally N4073Y and
had been acquired by Melanesian Air Services NV at Hollandia/Sentani in
Dutch New Guinea.
November 1962 it crossed the border into PNG, being registered in
Australia at that time.
It later went on to the PNG register as P2-CME when sold by Ansett-MAL
in April 1974 to
J. Richard Leahy of Wau.
Upon returning to Australia a year later it reverted to VH-CME
again. It was written off when it crashed at Revensworth,
NSW on 8 October 1988.