VH-CFA(7) Beech 95-C55
(c/n TE-448)

I have not completely researched
which Australian rego holds the record for number of re-allocations,
but VH-CFA must
come close. In 1967 CFS expanded from their original Moorabbin
base to Perth
when they wanted to get involved with the iron ore boom in
WA. They bought out aviation veteran
Doug Muir's
operation at Jandakot, Muir Airlines of WA. Civil Flying
Services (WA) Pty Ltd then
grew into
a large organization providing charter, flight school, maintenance, and
Reg 203 airline services
from Perth with Beech
Queenairs This Baron was part of their fleet when
Geoff Goodall took the
above shot at Dampier, WA in October 1971. The photo below, from
Beech, shows the aircraft as
it appeared when
first imported in 1967. It is still on the current (2009)