VH-CAW Aero Commander 560E
(c/n 729-53)

In the late 1950s, and with the easing of the currency regulations, the
department of Civil Aviation
elected to upgrade its aging
Ansons with two Aero Commanders, VH-CAU and -CAW. The latter
was assigned to the South
Australia/Northern Territories Region. During its tenure with DCA
it had
several different
liveries. It is seen above at Adelaide Airport in November 1962
in this shot by Geoff
Goodall dressed in the then
standard DCA paint scheme of the day. A shot of it taken during
its long
delivery flight from the US
through the UK, and Middle East appears on the The Airways Museum &
Civil Aviation Historical Society
site at:
This Commander was eventually sold
off by DCA and is still on the Australian Civil Register (and
surprisingly still registered as
VH-CAW) its latest owner being Mohammed Mostafa dba Coral Sea
Airlines Pty Ltd of Townsville,
Qld. George Canciani took a photograph of it a
Moorabbin in
January 2004 (below) whilst it was
under a prior ownership.