DHC-2 Beaver 1
(c/n 1618)

Another of Benders
Spreading Services' Beavers seen above by Danny Tanner at Parafield in
October 1979, and
below by his son, David at the same locale in November 1985.
This one
was a former Super Spread
machine, first registered in October 1966. At one
time it was to
have been re-registered VH-IDY but, to my knowledge,
this was never taken up, since it was
soon sold off to
Benders. It sustained serious damage in 1989 but was rebuilt and
fitted with
floats, and was operated in
Queensland for several years in that configuration.
It is now on a
long term rebuild in
Cowra, NSW as VH-AWZ for Air Whitsunday Seaplanes Pty Ltd of Airlie
Beach, Queensland.