VH-BNE (1) Noorduyn UC-64A
(c/n 271)

This was the RAAF's former A71-13,
civilianized in November 1948 for Gibbes Sepik Airways
New Guinea. The rare, albeit rather washed out, shot above is
from the Neville Parnell collection.
VH-BNE overturned during a forced
landing in a swamp at Lake Kopiagu, New Guinea on 29 June
1957. The pilot and 3 passengers received minor injuries, but to
salvage the aircraft from the remote
Gibbes Sepik Airways dismantled the aircraft into sections which were
carried overland by a
team of
120 native carriers, hacking a path through the jungle. - BNE went on
to fly again, and after
Sepik were taken over by Mandated Airlines, it was reregistered
VH-GSD. A photo of the
result of the afore-mentioned accident appears below, taken by James
Sinclair. Both shots via Geoff