(1) CAC
CA6 Wackett Trainer
(c/n 373)

Formerly A3-139, this Wackett
was civilianized in 1953. Above is a nice shot of it taken by
Neil Follett at
Moorabbin in late 1961 shortly before it went missing in the desert on
a cross
country flight
from Melbourne to Perth. It was lost on the segment between
Cedena, SA and
Cook on 14
January 1962. The compass had come loose from
its bearing resulting in an
heading being flown. At the foot of this entry is a
photo from the Geoff
collection taken by the crew of the Adastra Aerial Surveys Hudson that
it on 28 March
1965 in the vasts of
the South Australia desert, the first sighting since it went missing on
that day
January 1962 A more complete synopsis of this
saga can be found on Aviation Safety
Network's site
at http://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=58826
After being retrieved from
the desert the in 1977 Wackett was restored and put on display at
the Central
Australian Aviation Museum in Alice Springs, NT.
Immediately below is a not bad
shot by
Barry Maclean considering how difficult
it is to take decent photographs in museums.