Auster III
(c/n 615)

VH-BCG was built for the RAF in 1943 as
NJ785. It was shipped to the Royal Australian
Air Force in
1945 where it was allotted the serial number A11-40. Since the
was winding
down by
then, the RAAF stored it and sold it as surplus to Kingsford Smith
Aviation Services
in Bankstown
in 1947 for 1000 quid. (Pretty good price, the Commonwealth got
for it in those
days, if you
ask me). It entered the civil register as VH-BCG registered
to Bluebird Air Taxi
Service of
Bankstown. It is still current. The above shot was taken by
Bob Neate at at Mildura
in September
1962. The color impression below is from the
Ian W. O'Neill collection (taken
by the late Peter Keating) and depicts it at an Auster rally in St.
Arnaud, Victoria, in 1991, with
civlian cabin window treatment repaired back to its wartime greenhouse.