VH-AZO (2) Auster 4
(c/n 846)

The second VH-AZO was an ex-RAF Auster,
having the
serial number MT137 built in the latter
stages of WW
II. It was
civilianized on the UK register in 1954 as G-ANHM, and exported to
Australia in
1955. It was taken on
the strength of the Royal Queensland Aero Club, in whose colors
it is
seen here at Bankstown in 1957, after
the club had sold it. Shortly after this photograph was
taken it
was, in fact, re-registered VH-ILS.
Note the covey of
Airspeed Oxfords languishing at Bankstown at the time. 391
of these twin-engine
trainers were
shipped to Australia as part of the Empire Air Training
Scheme. Kingsford Smith Aviation
Services purchased
many of them (this shot was taken adjacent to their facility) but the
(then) Department
of Civil
Aviation would not certify them for the civilian market due to certain
aspects of their wooden (glue
construction. Fortunately KSAS were able to sell a number
of them off to the Indonesian Air
Force, so the
lot-buy was not a total loss.