Miles M.38 Messenger
2A (c/n 6376)

Some eighty or so
Miles Messengers were built. The original model was
produced during the
war for the British Army as an artillery spotter. It
had limited STOL/slow flying abilities. Field
Marshall Montgomery used one
with which to tour the battlefields of France after D-Day. After
the war production of an
all-civilian model produced some 60 further examples. They differ
their military counterparts in having a "D" shaped rear window (vs.a
square one for ex-Army types).
Only five were imported into
Australia, one of which, in the colors of the Royal Queensland Aero
Club, is seen above at
Archerfield in 1952. This aircraft was formerly registered
was withdrawn from use in 1962. British wooden
aeroplanes tended to come unglued (literally)
in the harsh Australian
climate, and by and large their C's of A were withdrawn.