(2) Percival
P.28B Proctor 1
(c/n K253)

VH-AUC was built at Luton, Beds, UK in 1940 as P6194 for
the RAF who used it in a light
transport and
communications role during WW II. In 1946 it was
civilianized as G-AHDI,
and was exported to
Australia in 1951. This machine has been preserved and is
currently on
display at the
Australian National Aviation Museum at Moorabbin, masquerading as
Proctor ('A75-1' of the
RAAF Communications Flight, ex VH-BNB which itself was destroyed
in a crash). This shot,
incidentally, was taken at the same venue, albeit fifty years
ago. The
image below shows
-AUC on the highway being towed behind Geoff Goodall's Ford Zephyr
in June of 1965 whilst
he was transporting the machine from Adelaide to the Aviation Museum.