Wackett Trainer (c/n 433)

Here's a smart
looking Wackett at Bankstown in 1955 in Kingsfoed Smith Flying School
and silver.
. The little badge on the fin
is the Commonwealth Aircraft Corp
logo. -ARH was
the former A3-199,
and was sold to a J. McKeoun in October
of 1945 for 200-odd quid.
It was peviously with the Royal
Victorian Aero Club as shown in the shot
below from the
John Hopton collection taken at Essendon in June 1949. On
21 September 1956 -ARH
crashed on take off
from Bankstown, having evidentally suffered an engine failure. It
that the aircraft stalled
from approximately 150 feet and the pilot could not regsain control.
Sadly, pilot Selwyn Mathias
died and his passenger sustained serious injuries . The photo of
wreckage at the foot of the page is from the Harry Broe collection (via
Robert Livingstone).