VH-AQL de Havilland D.H.82A Tiger Moth
(c/n 83126)

In April 1946 the Launceston
based Tasmanian Aero Club and its partner in Hobart, the Aero Club
Southern Tasmania received a number of Tigers in the VH-AQ-
series. This one was originally
with the
northern club but moved later to the Hobart (Cambridge airport based)
outfit. It was a UK
built example
which served the war years under its RAF
serial of T5361. It is seen above in this
photograph by Norm Weeding (via Geoff Goodall) at Cambridge on 11
November 1966, the day
after it
was restored to the register after a lengthy rebuild by Max Price of
Hobart. It had been
damaged and
struck off the register in December 1960 by previous owner Karl Jaeger
of Smithton,
Tasmania. The shot below is
courtesy of Martin Eade who gleaned it from the Aero Club.
on what is believed to be the
morning of its final flight on 8 September 1972, VH-AQL was
to fly from
Hobart's Cambridge
Airport to Flinders Island in Bass Strait, but went
missing without a
trace. It was
last seen around the Eddystone Point area. Comments have been
raised regarding the
amount of smoke
seen here just after engine start. Could this have
signalled a potential fuel supply or
problem? The image at the foot of the page is from
the Richard Rudd
collection, and is circa
1947/48. .