VH-APC (3) Callair
A9A Quail
(c/n 1074)

The Callair A9A sub model was a modification of the normal A9 built for
Australian certification.
By the time the A9 was
developed from the A7, Callair had been taken over by Intermountain
Manufacturing Company
(IMCO) and all A9s were built by them in the old Callair plant at Afton,
VH-APC was first registered to Queensland Airplanters Pty Ltd of
Bundaberg in
September 1964.
Airplanters' founder, Don Adams, did not like the Piper Pawnees. The
above, from the Geoff
Goodall collection, was taken in the Bundaberg hangar in 1967.
The shot
immediately below is from the Roger McDonald collection and shows -APC
at Cootamundra in
May 1969 when it was with
Aerial Agriculture Ltd of Bankstown. At that time it was still in
original factory yellow and
black paint scheme. After over
two decades of agricultural
duties with
various outfits (including SuperSpread), this A9A was,
like many of its ilk, converted into a glider
Ross Gorman spotted it at Benalla
(foot of the page) on
14 January 2009 sweltering in 42C
heat. It is
currently privately owned and presumably rented
out for glider
