VH-ANB Douglas DC-4-1009
(c/n 42948)
This aircraft was
delivered in March of 1946. It was leased to British Commonwealth
Pacific Airlines from
September of 1946 until January 1949. Not generally remembered
is the fact that ANA
themselves operated BCPA's routes in early 1946, until that newly
formed line was able to wean away a couple of DC-4s each from both ANA
and TAA.
Seen below is a rare reproduction from the Alan Betteridge collection
(via Phil Vabre) of
an ANA bagaage tag
from those pre-BCPA days. Anyway, in the mid 1950s it became
popular to paint
aircraft cabin tops white to supposedly lesson the heat inside whilst
on the ground.
-ANB has had such treatment my shot above, taken at Essendon in 1955.
. In October of 1957 it
was transferred to the
asset register of the, by then, merged Ansett-
ANA concern. In
1958 it was sold to the US
'non-sked' Twentieth Century Airlines
(of Burbank, California) as N5517V. 1959 saw it
in service with Trans Mediterranean
Airlines (TMA) as OD-ADK. In 1971 it was
sold again, this time to Air Gabon who
registered it TR-LPU. A
mere five months later it was
disposed of to Sofimatex in the
adjacent Congo where
it was registered as TN-ACF. By
this time it was getting a bit
long in the tooth and
decrepit after roaming around in the African Third
World and it
finally wound up registered 9Q-COK
in "the other" Congo, i.e. the Democratic
of Congo (the former Zaire)
where it finally was withdrawn from use. I
am sure that, by
then, its plush interior had been reduced to rags!