VH-AMV DHC-1 Chipmunk T.10
(c/n C1/0174)

Formerly the RAF's WB722. Was to
been civlianized in the UK as G-AOSP but went
to Australia as VH-BTL in 1958. A year later it was
VH-BWF and in 1963 became
VH-AMV for Bob Couper Pty
Ltd. Geoff Goodall took a couple of shots of it over the
Above at Jandakot, WA in 1968 and below at Parafield in 1983. A
rather odd insignia on the
latter, I fancy. In 2005 the
was acquired by Pays Air
Service (Colin Pays) as part of his
Flying Museum, located at Scone, NSW and is
now decked out (of course)
as WB722.