Havilland D.H.94 Moth Minor (c/n DHP17)

This Australian-built Moth Minor is still on the
register. It was, for as while, at Lilydale Airport
(approx 60 km east of the
City of Melbourne) carrying the spurious RAAF serial of A21-10.
In actual fact, VH-AIB
was really ex A21-38. My photograph of it was taken
in 1955, when it was not in
vogue to treat every aircraft which
"did its bit" during the war as a
Barrie Colledge provides the two nice color shots below. The
upper one (at Point
Cook) depicts the Moth
Minor as it appeared just prior to being restored as A21-10 and the
lower one, at its normal
base at Lilydale in 1982 showing it wearing this incorrect RAAF serial.