VH-AIA as P2-ISR Britten-Norman BN-2A
(c/n 15)

The second VH-AIA wa an Islander
first registered in March 1968, being ex G-AVXT. In
!979 it was sold to Talair as
P2-ISR. David Carter saw it (above) at Lae in March
23 December 1993, the Islander was carrying
when it departed Mount Hagen's
runway 30 for Kamusi. The takeoff roll
acceleration seemed a little sluggish but this was
attributed to the density altitude (Mount Hagen Airport is located at
an elevation of 5600 feet)
and the load. The aircraft
climbed slowly to an altitude of about 100 feet agl.
Loss of
power forced the pilot to carry out a crash-landing straight ahead,
after having turned
left onto a
heading of approx 280 °. P2-ISR struck the ground heavily
(approx .50 knots)
bounce/skidded about 80 metres before the nose bulkhead came to rest
against a creek
bank. Damage was such that it was written off.