(2) Ryan
(c/n 475)

Now we come to confusing bit..... There were
actually three Ryan
STMs registered
VH-AGR! They were:
c/n 483
ex A50-5 and S-47 of the NEI Navy. This aircraft was first
on 21 November 1945 and crashed
at Bankstown in 1951.
c/n 475 (the one illustrated above) being a rebuild with
parts from # 483 above
and also parts from A50-9 (ex S-39). It was registered on 6
1955 and
cannibalised around 1957 to use in the making of c/n 466.
c/n 466
Another rebuild, done in 1958, (below) with bits and pieces from the two
plus parts from A50-18 (ex S-30), and given the c/n of the latter
(which contributed the bulk of the rebuild).
The last one was sold back to the US in 1981
becoming N2617W and then N466WA..
My shot of c/n 475 above was taken at
Bankstown in 1955, shortly after the rebuild. The nice
photo of c/n 466 below, showing
it airborne with VH-AGW, is from the Mac Job collection taken
in February 1979.