VH-AGQ (3) Beech 95-D55
(c/n TW-619)

The mid to northern coastland of Western
Australia is so remote that about the only was to get there
is by
air.. Certainly commercial air lines serve these outposts, but with
limited daily services most comp-
anies of any size in WA have their own aircraft. Beech
dealer in the 1960s and 70s was Hawker de
Havilland Australia, based at Mascot, to whom this example was
registered new in November 1968.
was quickly sold to Steel Construction Co of Perth, a major contractor
at the iron ore mining towns.
It was sold
off by SCC in September 1971 and acquired by Civil Flying Services (WA)
Pty Ltd.
Three photos
gleaned of this Baron. Above by Geoff Goodall at Perth Airport in
December 1968.
Below shows it at Port Hedland in 1969 (from the CAHS archives) and at
the foot of the page another
photograph also at Port Hedland (July 1973) with -AGQ in CFS
livery. This Baron was
until about 2008, but is now
no longer on the register.