VH-AGH (1)
Avro 643
Cadet II
(c/n 990)

This Avro Cadet was owned by the inimitable
Sid Marshall (dba Marshall Airways) when I took
the above
photograph of it at Bankstown in 1954. VH-AGH
was built for the RAAF as A6-17
and based most of the time
at CFS Camden, NSW
during the war. It was withdrawn from use in
1961. Geoff Goodall took a
shot of it (below) in July 1967 when Marshall had strung it up in the
hangar with his Me109 and Nakajima
Ki43 when he ran out of space on the floor. Note Lock-
heed 10B VH-ASM
below. Following a long and complete restoration, -AGH is
now airworthy
again as evidenced by Peter
Hough's shot taken at the Houdini Centenary Airshow at Melton Vic
on 20 March 2010 (bottom of