VH-AFF (3) de
Havilland D.H.82A Tiger Moth (c/n

canopied Tiger was not civilianized
until 1976. I am, therefore, making an exception by putting
it up in my
selections (my cut-off date is normally such that the aircraft had to
have been first register-
ed prior to
1970). This DHA built Tiger was one of several included in a bulk
sale by Commonwealth
Disposals Commission
to the Association of Australian Aero Clubs, which included the main
aero clubs
who grouped together
to make a combined offer of DH82s in the immediate post-war
period. How-
ever, A17-284 was not given a civil
conversion at that time, and did not show up again until January
1963 when a clearout of a hangar at
Archerfield exposed the RAAF yellow fuselages of A17-284 and
258 up the back.
Both were seen again at Archerfield in April 1965, and Geoff
Goodall saw pair tied
down together on a trailer at Bankstown
in January 1967 in a small igloo hangar/workshop that was
being demolished around
them. A17-284 was rebuilt as VH-AFF, but as far as is known
has surprisingly never been restored (at least
under that identity). Odd, given that Geoff indicates that
it looked in pretty good nick back in
1967. Anyway, VH-AFF was registered on 9 December 1976
to John Janssen of Melbourne.
Mike Vincent took the photo of it (above, via Geoff
Goodall) at
Moorabbin on the very
day it was registered! It retained the name 'Catch 22' for many years, but
subsequent owners could not resist the
temptation and it went from a striking yellow & black scheme
to RAAF trainer yellow and "284" as a serial
number without the A17- prefix, as seen in
Ian McDonell's
shot (below) taken at Evans Head, NSW in
December 2007. It is no longer
airworthy and Alan
Sheppard advises (2013) it is now on
static display at Evans Head (see his photo at foot of page).