(1) Avro 643
Cadet II
(c/n 991)

This shot was taken outside the Royal Vic hangars at
Moorabbin in 1958, just before the machine
re-registered VH-PRV for Proctor's
Rural Services. This aircraft was one of nine
operated initially by
the Newcastle Aero Club at one time or another, immediately post WW II.
. ("Royal" NAC after 1953, by the
way). VH-AEH was ex A6-18, and, like
the others, was
acquired from the
Commonwealth Disposals Commission. The interesting shot below,
archives of the club
Geoff Goodall), shows a line up of Cadets at the club's Newcastle, NSW
Airfield having just been
civilianized. VH-AEH was sold in 1953, and then had
a series of private owners
until being acquired by
Proctors and re-registered VH-PRV. In 1961
it went to Victorian
Farming Aids and was destroyed
by fire at Cobden, Victoria on
21 August
1961 whilst crop spraying.
Pilot J. Tatar escaped with
minor injuries.