VH-AEC (3)
Cessna 210
(c/n 57371)

The third
Australian aircraft to carry my initials was this Cessna 210.
However, it was not my
own initials it is honoring, but rather
those of Allan E. Chadwick. This aircraft had two prior
registrations: VH-RBH and VH-TOM. Incidentally, rather than
enlarge the subject
matter, I shall
leave this delightfully evocative image by Geoff Goodall, taken at
Parafield in
June 1963,
as is. I just
love that 1950s Ford Customline ambulance, and the Auster III at
right. The big
Cessna was owned, at the time, by the Bush Church Aid Society based at
South Australia. It had just arrived on a medevac
flight, with a patient being moved
on a stretcher to the
waiting ambulance. . The Bush Church Aid
Society was a Church of
England medical service in
outback areas, founded by Allan E. Chadwick. VH-AEC had the
name "Tom
Jones" on the nose. It crashed on 4 December 1983 at the
unfortunately named
Midge Point, on the north Queensland coast,
where successive developers have tried to establish
a tourist
resort area. (Midge is an Australian term for small biting insects)