VH-ADJ (2) Mooney
M20E Super 21
(c/n M20E-809)

Latyer M.20Es were
named Chapparal although this was
an early 1965 model M.20E Super 21.
was formerly N5889Q and a shot of it as such, taken at Bankstown on 13
September 1965,
appears at the foot of this page. It, along with VH-TMM
M20E-811, ex N5893Q) were
the Pacific in September 1965 and and prepared for delivery to
Australian owners
at Bankstown.
Two shots of it as VH-ADJ are shown here (above, by Geoff Goodall) at
town five days after Greg's
photo on 18 September
1965, having just acquired its VH- rego, and
(below in a contempotraty image by
Phil Vabre) at
Bundaberg, Qld in July 2009 fully loaded with
four up.