VH-ACK Aeronca
(c/n K162)

The Aeronca K was introduced in 1937 as a
replacement for the diminutive Aeronca C-2
C-3. Although somewhat more conventional, the lines of the C
series are clearly seen.
It is, therefore, an older aircraft than the
two previously imaged Aeroncas, VH-ACH and
-ACJ. VH-ACK was previously on
the US Civil Register as NC18888 and was imported
at the end of 1939. This
shot was taken at Bankstown in 1952. Note 1950 "single spinner"
Ford at
left. Geoff Goodall provides another very nice shot ot it
(below) taken slightly later
in the long grass at Moorabbin. At the foot of the page are two
images from Dave
color slides collection showing the Aeronca at Camden, NSW in April
1965 and at
Archerfield in July 1969 repainted into the attractive blue
scheme. For a more complete
history of this diminutive machine go to the CAHS' site at