VH-ACF (2) Piper PA-22-160 Tri-Pacer
(c/n 22-7093)

Here's the second
allocation of the registration VH-ACF in the long grass at Bendigo in
1962 seen in this shot from
The Collection p5555-0457. It was first registered in
January 1960
to R.M.
Foster & Associates of Devonport, Tasmania.
This was some 22 years after the first
release of the markings, also to a
Piper, and the Tri-Pacer's ancestor, a J3C-40 Cub The image
below is From Ken Whytcross. His father, Ian, owned -ACF in the
early 1960s before trading
it in on Cessna 182A VH-SNN. Ken
suggests that this shot was taken at the same time and venue
as the one
above, being at an air pageant at Bendigo in 1962. That's Ken's
mother on the right.
VH-ACF (2) went
on to other owners before being struck-off the register in May 1986.