VH-ACD (1) Short S.33 Empire Flying Boat
(c/n S.1025)

These two historic Qantas photos are
courtesy of the John Hopton collection. They depict
'Clifton' at Sydney's Rose Bay
seaplane base following an accident in Sydney Harbor on
18 January 1944.
Note RAAF Dornier Do24 in background right. Five examples of the
Short S.23 and S.33 Empire
Flying Boats saw service with the RAAF (A18-10 to A18-14)
only two of which were
returned to civil operation, viz:
A18-10 was ex G-ADUT 'Centaurus'
A18-11 ex G-AEUA 'Calypso'
ex VH-ABC 'Coogee'
A18-13 ex VH-ABB 'Coolangatta' Reverted
to VH-ABB July 1943
A18-14 ex G-AFPZ 'Clifton'
Became VH-ACD July 1943.
The others were either
destroyed in accidents or by the Japanese.
The wing tip damage and holing of the hull
sustained by VH-ACD evidently made repairing it
uneconomically viabble and
it was stricken from the register and presumably reduced to produce.