VH-ABJ (2) Cessna 140
(c/n 8157)

The second iteration of
the registration VH-ABJ was never taken up. This Cessna 140 Float
imported by
American-born Reverend Charles J. Patrick of Papitali Mission of Manus
Island, New
Guinea. The aircraft was US registered
as N89149. He applied to have the aircraft registered in
Australia (like all the other missionary
machines) in August 1949 but ran into problems with official-
dom because it was a new type on the
register. DCA stalled by asking the Reverend to furnish the
name and licence number of
the engineer who had assembled the Cessna. After two
years of
correspondence, DCA
finally allocated the mark VH-ABJ to the Cessna on 7 December 1951.
However, the following year the mission advised
that, due to the long delay in registration the Cessna
no longer airworthy and they were ordering parts from the US.
Nothing more was heard of it
and it is almost certain that it was never
painted up as VH-ABJ. The image above, from
the Geoff
Goodall collection, shows the Cessna at Manus Island, circa
In July 2015 I received the pictures below from Greg Mouat, who took
them in the War Section of
the National Museum
of PNG. They were destined to be moved to the main museum
at the PNG
Parliament building. Hopefully that has now been done.