VH-AAO (3)
DHC-2 Beaver 1
(c/n 146)

This Beaver was delivered in September 1951 to Federation Air Services,
a branch of the then
Government of Malaya as VR-RBW. . When Malaya
became Malaysia it was re-registered
9M-ALW. It, along with 9M-ALS went to Aerial Agriculture in July
1960. It stayed with that
for over two decades, being withdrawn from service at the end of
1982. Greg Banfield's
shot above was taken at Bankstown on 31 January
1972, while Danny Tanner's photo below,
taken at Parafield in 1984, displays an almost identical positioning.
-AAO has recently (2008-
been restored
by R. MacArthur-Onslow, of Walcha, NSW and has been seen at Bank-
in an overall white