Swallow II
(c/n 461)

The Swallow was a development of the British Kelly
monoplane. It came with either
a 80 hp Pobjoy Cataract II
or, as it the case of this example, a 90 hp Cirrus Minor.
This aircraft came
from India, where it was previously VT-AIG. My shot above was
Bankstown around 1954
whilst the shot below is from Tony Hancock and was taken
Stamford Hill Aerodrome. Graham Orphan advises that this strip
was built by himself
and Peter Biddle on his parents' farm at Grantham, some five miles from
Gatton, Qld.
. In
December 2006 I was contacted by Mark Sinclair, indicating that his
father, John,
now owns -AAB and it is now at Watts Bridge Memorial
airfield. Mt. Sinclair was
still the registered owner as of 2017.